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Baby food

The baby food category offers a wide range of nutritious and safe products for your little one. Here you will find high-quality formula milk formulated to meet the nutritional needs of children at every stage of development. We also offer delicious smoothies and cereals, rich in essential vitamins and minerals, for dietary diversification. Healthy snacks, specially designed for children, are perfect for playtime. All our products are carefully selected to ensure the highest standards of safety and quality. Discover our selection and give your baby the best possible nutrition.


  • Milk powder

    The Milk Powder for Children category offers a varied selection of nutritional formulas adapted to the specific needs of children of all ages. Find options developed for different stages of growth, from newborns to older children. Each product is formulated to provide a balanced supply of essential vitamins, minerals and nutrients. Milk powder is rigorously tested for safety and quality, sourced from trusted brands. In this category you will also find specialized formulas for children with specific dietary needs, such as food allergies or intolerances. Make sure you are giving your child the best possible nutrition.

  • Creams and biscuits

    Explore our selection of baby creams and biscuits designed to provide healthy and balanced snacks. The creams are made from natural ingredients and available in a variety of flavours, ensuring adequate nutritional intake. The biscuits are formulated to be easy to chew and digest, making them ideal for between-meal snacks. Each product is carefully selected to ensure the safety and quality required for children's nutrition. Choose from our variety to diversify your children's diet with healthy and balanced snacks.

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