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Welcome to our section dedicated to pharmacy products, where your health and well-being come first. Here, we offer a wide range of solutions to support your health and well-being, covering diverse needs from everyday care to support for specific conditions. Our category includes medicinal teas, carefully selected for their therapeutic properties, able to help you manage stress, improve digestion or promote restful sleep. You'll also find a variety of medicines for the treatment and relief of symptoms of various conditions, all of which are approved and safe for use. Last but not least, our offer includes essential medical supplies, from protective masks to bandages, and innovative dietary supplements formulated to improve your nutrition and fortify your body. Whether you're looking for a healthy lifestyle ally or need specific solutions, our pharmacy products section is ready to welcome you with quality, effective and safe options.


  • Mother and child

    The Mother and Child category is dedicated to all mothers and children, offering a wide range of products designed for both mother's comfort and the development and fun of her little one. Here you will find newborn care items, toys for all ages, comfortable and safe clothing, as well as many other essential and fun baby products. We also have various products on offer for mums such as post-maternity items, breastfeeding accessories, cosmetics and much more, all designed with every mum's comfort and needs in mind.

  • Medicinal teas

    Herbal teas are a natural and effective alternative to relieve various ailments of the body in a gentle and non-invasive way. This category includes a wide variety of medicinal teas from plants known for their remarkable therapeutic properties, such as mint, chamomile, ginger, echinacea, fennel, valerian and many others.

    These medicinal teas can provide support for various body systems, from improving digestion and immunity, to calming nervousness or aiding sleep. Adhering to holistic healing traditions, these teas can bring a dose of blessing and comfort and be helpful in managing daily stress.

    Whether you're a natural tea lover or looking for alternative remedies for certain health issues, our category of medicinal teas offers a wide selection of options. Discover the richness and diversity of natural flavours and feel the healing power of plants in every cup of tea.

  • Food supplements
  • Medicines
  • Herbal remedies
  • Orthopaedic products
  • Wellness and relaxation

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