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We invite you to explore a diverse selection of natural, unmounted gemstones and semi-precious stones perfect for creating your own personalised jewellery. Whether you're a jewellery art enthusiast or want to create unique accessories, you'll find a rich selection of the highest quality stones in our collection. You can choose from a variety of colours, shapes and sizes, from beautiful rubies, sparkling sapphires, mysterious amethysts and natural garnets, to delicate aquamarine, citrines and elegant topazes. Each stone is carefully selected to give you an authentic and beautiful experience.


  • Gemstones

    We offer a variety of natural, unmounted gemstones, ideal for creating unique and personalised jewellery. These include diamonds, rubies, sapphires and emeralds, each with their own distinctive characteristics and beauty. Each stone is carefully selected for its quality and authenticity, ready to be integrated into your jewelry creations. Whether you are an experienced jewelry designer or a jewelry art enthusiast, you will find the right stones in our selection to add uniqueness and elegance to your designs.

  • Semi-precious stones

    We invite you to explore a diverse range of natural semi-precious stones including amethyst, citrine, topaz, garnet, diopside chrome, aquamarine, quartz, tourmaline and peridot. Each of these stones offers unique hues and distinctive physical characteristics, suitable for integration into fine jewellery and accessories. Amethyst exudes a subtle elegance with its purple tones, while citrine brings a warm and bright touch with its golden hues. Topaz stands out for its clarity and garnet, chrome diopside and aquamarine impress with their intense, clear colours. Quartz, tourmaline and peridot add a subtle charm with their brilliant reflections. Choose these gemstones to create unique jewellery tailored to your tastes and preferences.

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